Split System Air Conditioner Installation by Goodwood Electrical in Adelaide  

Goodwood Electrical in Adelaide can fully install an air conditioner that you may have purchased from retailers such as The Air Conditioning Warehouse.  We complete the installation including mounting indoor and outdoor units, wiring to a new separate circuit (AS3000:2018 rules), all refrigeration and drains.  We can also supply and install split systems at very competitive rates that are often lower than the big guys. 

Goodwood Electrical Split System

It is important to understand choosing the right size of split system unit for your home in Adelaide. There are quite a few factors that determine this but the most important is the size of the room(s) and the construction type (solid brick, brick veneer and insulation in walls and ceiling).  We look at these primary factors as well as well as some secondary factors such as windows, and window coverings. .

Location of both the indoor and outdoor units are important considerations from a performance and aesthetics perspective. The outdoor split system unit needs minimum clearances to ensure heat transfer otherwise the unit will use excessive amounts of power or may even void manufacturers warranties.

Despite what is commonly reported, split-system air conditioners are a very efficient way to heat and cool your home but only if used with some common sense.  There is no point running a unit in cooling mode on 21 degrees C on a 40 degree day.  There is no way the unit will ever cool a room to that temperature and in fact, this practice will reduce the life of the unit. Running a unit at 24 degrees C (or even a little higher) will significantly reduce the amount of power consumed by as much as 70%.

If you have solar panels, then you can use some free power to run your split system air conditioner. Why send power back to the grid at $0.14 per kW/h and buy it back later at $0.40 per kW/h.  If the sun is shining, use your free power. This assumes of course you are not getting the massive $0.55 per kW/h feed in tariff that was available some years ago.  

Contact us today before the summer rush is on and we (and other installers) become fully booked.



C-Bus Systems
 Smoke Alarms
 Outdoor Lighting
 Surge Protection
  Motion Sensors
✓ Heated Floors
 Downlight Conversions
Electrical Repairs
 Bathroom Heaters
 Exhaust Fans




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Goodwood Electrical    Phone :(08) 7078 2217  or 0419 65 65 44     Postal:P.O.Box 46, BLACK FOREST SA 5035    Licences… Electrical: PGE547     Refrigeration: L13422